Saturday, August 1, 2009

In this challenge I going to try to read 20,000 pages of books by the end of the 2009. So far I have read a total of 11,706! So I am half way there here are the books that I read to get that far:

1. Secerts of my Hollywood Life: On Location-Jen Calonita 240 pages
2. Breaking Dawn-Stephine Meyer 754 pages
3. These Happy Golden Years-Laura Ingalls Wilder 354 pages
4. Little Women (part 1)- Louisa May Alcott 377pages
5. Talent- Zoey Dean 288pages
6. Lock and Key- Sarah Dessen 422p.
7. P.S. I Loathe You- Lisi Harrison 208p.
8. Secerts of my Hollywood Life: Family Affairs- Jen Calonita 314p.
9. The Mother daughter Book Club- Heather Vogel Fredrick 256p.
10. The Secert Garden- Frances Hodgson Burnett 288p.
11. Gossamer- Lois Lowry 154p.
12. Bridge to Terabithia- Katherine Paterson 163p.
13. Elsewhere- Gabrielle Zevin 304p.
14. Peeps- Scott Westerfield 312p.
15. That Summer- Sarah Dessen 198p.
16. The Ashelys- Melissa deraCruz p.246
17. The Wild Girls- Pat Murphy p.272
18. Gossamer- Lois Lowry p.154
19. 3 Willows- Ana Brashares p.318
20. The Cupid Cronicles- Colleen Murtagh Paratore p.200
21. Devilish- Maureen Johnson p.288
22. The Bad Beginning- Lemony Snicket p.262
23. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants- Ann Brashares p.294
24. Marked- Kristen and P.C. Cast p.306
25. Wintergirls- Laurie Halse Anderson p.282
26. Leave the Cooking To Me- Judie Angell p.185
27. Betrayed- Kristen and P.C. Cast p.310
28. Airhead- Meg Cabot p.340
29. Something Maybe- Elizabeth Scott p.217
30. Private- Kate Brian p.227
31. Bones of Faerie- Janni Lee Simner p.256
32. The Music of Dolphins- Karen Hesse p.181
33. Impossible- Nancy Werlin p.384
34. Along for the Ride- Sarah Dessen p.383
35. Invitation Only- Kate Briam p.257
36. Untouchable- Kate Brian p.240
37. Earthgirl- Jennifer Cowan p.232
38. City of Ember- Jeanne DuPrau p.270
39. Evermore- Alyson Noel p.306
40. Living Dead Girl- Elizabeth Scott p.170
41. Confessions- Kate Brian p.232
42. Geek Charming- Robin Palmer p.338


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