Sunday, August 2, 2009


Cheating, partying, blackmail, and now...murder?

Can the Billings Girls remain untouchable? Reed's boyfriend, Thomas Pearson -- the popular, easygoing, irresistibly handsome and charismatic boy she fell in love with -- is dead. No one knows how it happened, and everyone is after the truth. Or are they? Life at Easton Academy begins to feel very different. Taylor is acting like the poster child for Prozac, Kiran is spiking her cornflakes, Noelle is being kind of...nice, and Arianna keeps floating along as if nothing has happened.
Thanksgiving break arrives and Reed and Josh find themselves alone on campus. They are forced to confront the feelings they've been hiding. Those feelings combined with an empty campus result in the hottest hookup Reed could possibly imagine. But when Reed breaks the news about Josh to the Billings Girls, there's no fun game of tell-all. Instead, Josh begins to look like suspect No. 1 in the murder of Thomas Pearson.
The perfect life Reed has constructed as a Billings Girl begins to crumble. And as everyone becomes more convinced of Josh's guilt, Reed's private suspicions lead her somewhere she doesn't want to go.


I love Kate Brian's work, she really knows how to end a book with a cliff hanger. The Private books just keep getting better and better. It begins with Thomas's funeral, then it's Thanksgiving break so everyone is back home for the holiday except for Reed and Josh. But when they are caught kissing on the soccer Josh is taken away for questioning about Thomas's death and Reed doen't see him until the next day. So then Noelle tells Reed some unpleasent things about Josh, including that he is on many pills and he was accused of murdering his old room mate and Thomas too. Once Reed hears that she meets Josh on campus to try to sort things out but when Reed tries to talk to him he has gone crazy. Then the police arive and arrest him for Thomas's murder. I feel bad for Reed she has been through so much in her first year at the Billing and Easton. Her first boyfriend is murdered then her secong one is arrested.It ends with such a cliff hanger and it's the best one yet an I cant wait until I read the next one. I gove this book five stars:
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